New York Theft Crime Attorney

There are several types of theft crimes ranging in scale and severity. If you have been charged with a theft crime in NY or NJ, Mario Gallucci will craft a personalized and thorough defense for your case.

Theft crimes involve taking property that is not yours without permission and without the intent of giving the item back. There are several different types of theft crimes, and the severity of the crime will determine the potential penalties. If you have been charged with a theft crime of any kind, you must hire a defense attorney with over 30 years of experience, such as Mario Gallucci of The Gallucci Law Firm. When you work with The Gallucci Law Firm, Mario Gallucci will craft a criminal defense strategy with all aspects of your case in mind. He will work to defend your rights every step of the way, fighting for the best possible outcome for your case. Learn more about the different types of theft crimes and their potential outcomes, and how The Gallucci Law Firm can help you.

What is a Theft Crime?

Theft crimes are broad in scope and appear in a variety of situations. Cases of theft are sometimes referred to as “larceny.” While property theft is often the first that comes to mind, the phrase “theft crime” also includes less obvious forms of stealing such as embezzlement and identity theft. 

Grand Theft vs. Petty Theft

Among the many categorizations of theft crimes are grand theft and petty theft. Grand theft is the most serious offense, and often involves the theft of an item with a high monetary value (often over $500-$1000). Grand theft is considered a felony in some states and carries more severe penalties than other theft crimes. Petty theft is a less serious crime and is usually classified as a misdemeanor. Penalties can involve a fine or a jail sentence of fewer than six months. Multiple petty theft charges can lead to an eventual felony charge. 

What are the Different Types of Theft Crimes?

The Gallucci Law Firm handles all types of theft crimes in New York and New Jersey. Learn more below about some of the most common forms of theft crimes, including shoplifting or petty theft, grand theft, burglary, robbery, auto theft, larceny, and identity theft.

Larceny in NY and NJ

Larceny is the intentional theft of property, involving taking property without consent, and is the most common theft crime to be charged with. Larceny and theft are often used interchangeably to describe this crime.

Grand Larceny in NY and NJ

Grand larceny is taking another person’s property that does not belong to you that is of relatively high value, which varies by state. Grand larceny is often categorized as a felony. 

Robbery in NY and NJ

Robbery is defined as taking property from a person using force or the threat of force. This often results in harsher sentencing and may include additional assault or even manslaughter charges.

Shoplifting in NY and NJ

Shoplifting is theft; however, instead of taking something without consent from a person, one is intentionally taking items from a retail establishment without consent. Penalties can depend on the value of the merchandise taken.

Auto-Theft in NY and NJ

Auto-theft is theft or attempted theft of an automobile without the consent of the owner. Car thefts are a major contributor to annual property losses in the United States. 

Identity Theft in NY and NJ

Identify theft is deliberately using someone else’s identity, oftentimes to gain a financial advantage. This can include applying for credit, filing taxes, or getting medical services under someone else’s identity. 

Burglary in NY and NJ

Burglary is the unlawful entering of a structure with the intent to commit a crime within it. It is important to note that one can be charged with burglary even if theft is not committed.

What are the Penalties for a Theft Crime in New York and New Jersey?

While most of the aforementioned crimes are considered serious offenses, the monetary value of the amount stolen ultimately determines the severity of the charge. For identity theft, this can also mean reputational damages. Criminal history and any aggravating or mitigating factors can also affect the theft charge. Offenders found guilty of misdemeanor thefts usually experience minor fines or court-ordered probation. Jail time of up to one year may occur but is highly unlikely for misdemeanor convictions. Felony convictions, however, are much more serious and often include fines up to $100,000 and significant jail time.

Do you have a case? Call us today 888-369-0674

Trustworthy Legal Defense in NY and NJ

If you have been charged with or accused of a theft crime in the tri-state area, you must seek assistance from a criminal defense attorney who is well-versed in this area of criminal law. Mario Gallucci has handled and won some of the largest cases in New York, New Jersey, and the federal courts, covering all types of crimes and forms of theft. We understand that legal trouble can be a very stressful time, and we are here to navigate your case by your side and develop a personalized strategy that takes into account all of the details of your case.

Our Criminal Law Areas of Expertise in NY and NJ

Theft Crime Lawyer in New York

If you need immediate legal counsel in New York or New Jersey related to a theft crime or any other criminal offense, please contact The Gallucci Law Firm to schedule a free consultation today. We have experience handling theft crime cases and can help you fight these charges. Mario Gallucci brings over 30 years of experience to each case he takes on, and he vows to protect his clients’ principles and integrity through each step of the legal process. We’ll review your case and determine a plan of action to help give you the best defense possible. Contact us to get started today.

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NY & NJ Areas We Serve

Mario Gallucci proudly provides expert legal assistance to those throughout New York and New Jersey.